Development Application Planning & Project Management
Our services in Goulburn and Moruya include:
- Initial concept design
- Council pre-DA meeting
- Prepare proposal for DA submission
- Site survey – boundary identification and detail survey
- Draft design
- Coordination of engineering and environmental consultants to progress design feasibility
- Review design for engineering and environmental constraints compliance
- Finalise layout design
- Preparation of Statement of Environmental Effects
- Pre-lodgement client review
- DA lodgement
Post approval Survey, Design & Project Management
Our services in Goulburn and Moruya include:
- Post approval Survey, Design and Project Management
- Coordination of civil design and utility services design
- Coordination of tenders and works contracts
- Coordination of civil works supervision and contract management
- Surveying services – draft survey and sales plans, construction setout and reporting, works as executed survey and plans, lot marking, final plan and S88B Instrument preparation.
- Preparation of Conditions Summary and management of requirements to satisfy all Conditions.
- Make application to Council Subdivision Certificate (Final Plan) signing.
- Coordination of Final Plan/S88B signing by land owners and all affecting interests (mortgagees).
- Lodgement of Final Plan/S88B with NSWLRS via ePlan for registration.